The Perfect Morning Routine: Business Edition (4 Secrets To Efficiency) - Episode #104

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A morning routine is the one thing that can help you be more productive in your personal and professional life. If you’re wanting to be more efficient during your day, then a morning routine is the solution and you don’t have to be a morning person to have one. Whether you’re running a business or just starting one, my morning routine is going to help you move the needle in your business and it all starts with the first 15 minutes of your day. A morning routine can not only instill confidence in you, but it can help you get more done. 

Mornings are a secret weapon. 

What we’re talking about

  • How To Create A Morning Routine

  • The First Thing To Do When You Get Up – Celebrate Yourself

  • What Makes Or Breaks Your Productivity & How To Move The Needle In Your Business

How To Create A Morning Routine

If you’re a night owl like me, then creating a morning routine might sound not only daunting, but impossible. The secret to a creating a morning routine is to implement it in a simple 15 minute increment. Your morning routine doesn’t need to start at 5am, nor does it have to extremely long, and if you’re not a morning person, create a trigger the night before that will get you up and going. Your trigger can be your coffee being ready before you get up, your outfit ready to go and it definitely should be written down on your calendar!

The First Thing To Do When You Get Up – Celebrate Yourself

The first thing you should do every morning is celebrate yourself. You need to celebrate your wins…before you look at your emails and before you check your to do list. Take 3 minutes and write down 5 things you have accomplished in the past 24 hours. Celebrating is different than gratitude because it forces you to recognize the things you are doing well. After you’ve celebrated yourself, write down one thing that you could do that day that will not only make a difference to you, but make you feel proud when you go to bed at night. 

What Makes Or Breaks Your Productivity & How To Move The Needle In Your Business

The way you will be productive and move the needle in your business is by coming from a place of abundance by recognizing all that you have already done. I love to tell people that the best salespeople will drive to a meeting and right after they get out of the car, they congratulate themselves on a fabulous parking job. Appreciating what you’re good at before tackling all you need to do is going to move the needle in your business and in your life. 

Are you ready to start your morning routine?


Kelsey’s B-School Mastermind Waitlist

EP 102: Determine Your #1 Focus In Business This Year (A Step-By-Step Guide)

Kelsey’s Morning Routine Planner