4 Life Hacks To Be A Better Working Mom



Hello hello! We are back with the latest and greatest from Whiskey and Work. Today we’re talking about one of Kelsey’s most commonly asked questions: how do you run a business (or even just work) while being a present mom? Well, it ain’t easy. Kelsey gives some of her best tips on this with her young girls and of course some anecdotes that many moms may feel on a personal level. Sit back and relax, today is all about parenthood and wearing some different hats. 
What we’re talking about…

  • Kelsey shares about her latest three day event (don’t fret, a recap will be coming out soon!)

  • One question kept coming up: how do you run a business (or even just work) while being a present parent? 

  • Kelsey lays it all out on the table — from a crazy schedule to certain sacrifices you may have to make 

  • Story time! Moms beware, this is a missing-show, late to Kindergarten kind of story. But hey, it happens to all of us one way or another!

  • Kelsey takes four main learning moments from this moment 

  • One: Expect your going to forget the shows 

  • Two: Make everything a memory 

  • Three: Recognize laughter as a sign your winning

  • Four: Be late to the meeting

A {free} Tool or Two! 

Did someone say free? Yup that’s right. Kelsey’s here to help with a few free tools to help launch your business and creative ideas! Click the links to start your journey. 

Links Mentioned

Kelsey Murphy Website 

Kelsey Murphy Instagram