3 Ways to Handle Overwhelm & Self-Doubt - Episode #49


No matter what stage of life you are in right now, whether it’s starting a new business or organizing your pantry or planning your child’s birthday party, overwhelm can take total control of your life.

Pinterest was supposed to be fun and provide you with ideas, but suddenly it’s wreaking havoc and chaos because you haven’t accomplished what’s in those beautiful pins. Today, we are going to discuss how to move past that chaos and find peace and motivation. Learn how to work through the feelings of overwhelm and self-doubt, handle it, embrace it and move right past it.

We all feel this way at one point, but when armed with the right tools, those feelings of overwhelm and self-doubt will go away and you’ll be able to focus on what means the most to you.

What We’re Talking About

  • All About The Goals

  • Finding Inspiration

  • The End of The Day

It’s All About The Goals, Right?

Surprise, it’s not all about the goals, it’s about you as a person. Discovering your passion is also about discovering who you are and who you want to be. If your focus is only on the end goal, you’re going to lose focus on the person you want to become.

Inspiration Doesn’t Have to be Big

There is inspiration all around us and can be something as simple as your favorite song that gets you motivated. When faced with thoughts of self-doubt, go to your digital emergency pack that you already have made and find exactly what you need to turn your overwhelm into calm.

Your Day

While in the midst of a chaotic moment, stop and think for a moment what you want to be thinking about as you go to bed that night. What do you need to accomplish to make you feel proud at the end of the day? Your brain will shift to the things you actually care about.

You’ve already accomplished so much, so don’t doubt yourself!