Settling in on the couch with a good show on Netflix can sound like the perfect end to a day, but when it becomes your routine and you dread doing anything else, it might become a rut. When you find you are in need of feeling inspired and energized, then it’s time to get out of your rut and start living your life. Discover 3 hacks that can help you break these bad habits and create a new normal.
It’s time to take ownership of the life you’re living!
What we’re talking about
Stuck In A Rut
3 Hacks To Break Your Rut
Living Proactively
How To Know When Your Life Is In A Rut
Your days may seem very long, especially if you’re a parent and choosing to just watch tv instead of doing more can make you feel lazy, but it’s actually just a rut and you can get out of it. You aren’t lazy, you just need to find a way to feel inspired, energized and more confident. A rut can be tv at the end of the day instead of truly connecting with your partner or it can be wishing you had more clothing style instead of just yoga pants. The truth is that if you take just 15 minutes to make a change, you can get right out of that rut!
3 Ways To Get Out Of Your Rut
In just 15 minutes, you can change your own life and get out of the rut you are stuck in. The first way to start making changes is to recognize that your life is your choice and to take ownership for the life you’re living. It’s all about a simple shift from can’t to won’t. Next, decide what kind of person you want to be and get specific. Lastly, create a proactive plan for that life. It can be 15 minute dates with your partner, your friend, yourself, whatever it takes to make that life a reality.
Being Proactive Instead Of Reactive
If you start to plan, even just a little bit, you can start leading a life of intention and being proactive instead of reactive. Take time to reflect on the type of person you want to be and how you can become that person. Put it on your schedule and choose to craft your own life.
Today is about living more intentionally and creating the life you want!