Amy Porterfield’s Advice on Powering Through Insecurities & Building A Business From Home - Episode #92

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Amy Porterfield, podcasting expert and host of The Online Marketing Made Easy podcast teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to build digital courses and grow their email lists. Amy has been featured in Forbes and not only has worked with incredible people like Marie Forleo, Rachel Hollis, and Tony Robbins, but she is one of the most generous people around. Amy is getting real about how her journey into launching her business didn’t start off easy nor was it a business she even liked! She’s discussing the insecurities she’s faced about her weight, being on video and public speaking.  Amy is one of the first to give away free content and dives into why this is so important, shows her emotions, and has an incredible ability to always be fully present for her family, team, and audience. This episode is packed with not only valuable information but is a real and honest conversation between two entrepreneurs and how they faced their insecurities, got past them and created successful businesses. 

It’s time to think about your audience and what you can create for them!

What we’re talking about

  • Facing Your Insecurities

  • Creating Free Content

  • Tiger Time - Discover The Best Secret Productivity Hack

  • Amy Porterfield’s Best Advice For New Business Owners

Amy Porterfield's #1 Insecurity (Spoiler Alert: It has to do with video marketing & the importance of embracing your body)

Amy gets real and raw about how she did not like making videos of herself when she started her business. She was uncomfortable with her weight and struggled creating videos because she didn’t like the way she looked. Amy recognized that the importance of creating videos with content was not about her but about the audience and those she was serving. 

How much free content is too much free content? Amy tells you her exact strategy here!

Creating content that you give away for free may seem like a bad idea, but it will actually grow your business. By giving away good content you will make people think that if this amazing content is free, imagine what the content that you pay for must be like! In creating free content, you need to create things that evoke emotion in people and make them take action. Amy is known for not holding back on her free content and for providing true value to people.

The secret to being productive & getting more done through "Tiger Time" (something we should all be implementing TODAY)

Every week, Amy sets aside “Tiger Time.” This is the time where she gets fierce in content creation and ensure she has no distractions. Every week you should be setting aside time for yourself that is dedicated to creating content or getting organized and during that time you should have absolute focus, which means no email, social media or other distractions. Schedule that weekly time for yourself to ensure that you follow through on it. 

Amy’s Advice For All Business Owners Just Starting Out

Amy’s advice on what your first step in building an online business is to build a list. In order to build that email list, you need to define, create and attract. Define who your audience is. Create your content. Find out how to attract your audience to give them the content. 

Take some tiger time and create more content!